Baby Pup Attacked By Larger Dog & Left In Shelter By Owner

Baby Pup Attacked By Larger Dog & Left In Shelter By Owner

For only two months of life Cake's life has been a nightmarish experience of neglect and trauma. Cake was brutally attacked by a much larger dog in her home, where she thought she was safe. Cake's previous owner then decided they didn't want to pay for the medical bills and carelessly handed her over to the local shelter, where Cake sat scared, in pain, and alone.

Cake is but a baby and the head trauma she's endured is unimaginable. One can tell from horrifying photos that Cake's right eye is hardly even visible due to the massive wound she is sporting. The local shelter that she was presented to contacted I Stand With My Pack Rescue asking for help as Cake is a severely injured case. Rescuers there took this sweet young puppy into their care and could tell immediately that Cake is an innocent and sweet soul who was just begging to be helped.

Cake is currently safe and awaiting her vet appointment to assess her skull fracture and look for any other conditions she might be suffering from. Rescuers feel confident in Cake's second chance at being the puppy she deserves to be.

We are asking for donations on Cake's behalf in order to pay for her costly medical bills. Cake has a long road to recovery and without help could never end up well enough to ger adopted. Please find the compassion in your heart to help this precious puppy in need. Thank you in advance to every donor involved in Cake's cause.


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