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Houston Location
Rose Sanders Law Firm PLLC
1 Greenway Plaza
Suite 100
Houston, TX 77046
Hello, my name is Charles Sanders. I'm an attorney with the Rose Sanders Law Firm. We get a lot of questions when clients come and pick up their settlement checks. They're always very happy to stare at the check. I get that it makes me happy, too. They always ask "Mr. Sanders, do I have to pay
taxes on my settlement check?" And I say, "Hey, I'm not an accountant.
This is not tax advice, but from my experience, I have seen that the IRS tends to only tax the portion of your settlement that is related to your lost wages, damages for pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and all those other things are not going to be taxable, just things related to your lost wages."
Houston Location
Rose Sanders Law Firm PLLC
1 Greenway Plaza
Suite 100
Houston, TX 77046