How To Sell An Extra $3K On Dial Days

How To Sell An Extra $3K On Dial Days

Andrew Taylor interviews Vivian Weyll and Adriano Dandrea, a husband and wife team whose fast-growing agency, Family First Life Aria, did $450,000 last month!

Vivian herself recently hit Hall of Fame, which means she wrote $400K on her own pen! What’s even more impressive is that she did it in only 6 months, while having a newborn! Vivian talks about how she found out that she made Hall of Fame and how she felt after hearing the news.

They also discuss the benefits of the FREE training sessions that FFL offers, including Launch 2021, a huge conference that will be held in Phoenix, Arizona this November. Vivian had an agent on her team who produced $16K before attending a conference earlier this year and $60K the month following the conference. She believes there’s always more to learn.

Adriano, who’s from Italy, even talks about his infamous homemade pizza, which Andrew cannot wait to try!


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