VIGOUR. December 05. மனோபலம். டிசம்பர் 05. தினம் ஒரு தெய்வீகச் சிந்தனை.

VIGOUR. December 05. மனோபலம். டிசம்பர் 05. தினம் ஒரு தெய்வீகச் சிந்தனை.


The search for Reality is inborn in man. Ceaselessly it is going on. Geographical limitation and traditional upbringing are no barriers to it. The quest would stop only with the attainment of union with Reality.

Vedanta philosophy is the systematic exposition of Reality positing Itself in three features. The Absolute Reality or Nirguna Brahman is the basic feature. It admits realization but defies verbal
definition. The Transcendent Reality, or Iswara or Saguna Brahman is the next feature. It is the infinite Existence-Knowledge-Bliss and It governs the Immanent Reality, the third feature. This third feature is the phenomenon constituting the
sentient and the insentient.

Religions are true to the extent they conform to Vedanta. Deviations from Vedanta shall have to be set aside as false doctrines. Reason leads
man to Reality.

Applied Vedanta is called Yoga. It has four aspects :-(a) the Path of Action or Karma, (b) the Path of Self-control or Raja Yoga, (c) the Path of Devotion or Bhakti, (d) the Path of Knowledge or

Tenets belonging to all the four paths are interspersed in this little book. Their being mixed up is a psychological necessity. As the change of diet
is relishing to the tongue change of theme is refreshing to the mind. An ardent daily pursuit of a page in this book is bound to enrich the spiritual
calibre of the aspirant. Pursuit is to be followed
by reflection



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