I (F26) just got engaged. My soon to be MIL is a nightmare. We are currently renovating a part of our place and she has been lent a key in the meantime, because she keeps coming over uninvited under the guise of “helping” clean up, but she really just likes to snoop and interfere.
I do a martial art and take my engagement ring off before class. I came home from an afternoon class one day and my engagement ring was not in the jewelry dish that I usually leave it in. I asked her about it, and she told me that she’d taken it to a jeweler to get it cleaned. She looked super smug about it, and when I asked which jeweler, she pretended she couldn’t remember. I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of having a reaction to it, so I just let it slide for a couple of days.
A couple of days pass and I ask her about it again and she’s super vague, still pretending she can’t remember which jeweler and saying she’s too busy to go pick it up anytime soon. So I said, “wow, I really feel for that jeweler… hope nothing happens to her.” She asked what I meant, and I told her that my superstitious Brazilian grandmother had performed some traditional ritual on it that’s usually known to curse anyone who takes or handles the ring other than the owner.
Story 1:
AITA for telling my soon-to-be MIL that my engagement ring is cursed?
Story 2:
AITA for not letting my sister be a bridesmaid?
Story 3:
AITA for letting my mom die?
Story 4:
AITA for getting a part-time job even though I agreed to be a SAHM and my ex is giving me “mum support”?
Story 5:
AITA for not watching my nephew while my sister goes on vacation?
#AITA #Relationships #Family