Wear Your Mask CHRISTIAN

Wear Your Mask CHRISTIAN

I'm getting tired of professing Christians using Jesus to get out of wearing a mask! This is not loving your neighbor, following Christ, listening to those in charge as Jesus, Paul, and Jude told us to.

Romans 13:1
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

There is no reason except a VALID medical reason you should be throwing a fit about wearing a mask. There is no BIBLICAL reason that you should not be wearing a mask. On the contrary there are MANY reasons IN the Bible that say you SHOULD be putting one on. The people in your community are worried about spread, they are worried about the delta variant mutating, and they are growing sick of people who are supposed to represent Jesus not caring which will cause more problems and make them impose a mask mandate.

We are called to be peaceful not unruly and troublemakers unless it goes against God and this DOESN"T

Now don't get me wrong we don't need to wear one all the time or in every circumstance. My issue is 1. When told, if there are mask mandates, or if your asked to put one on DO IT! as the bible tells us to do the better for our fellow man. Jesus sacrificed His LIFE for us you can't WIN a SOUL to Christ by showing you care for others??
2. STOP using GOD and JESUS as an excuse you are MISS REPRESENTING Him and you will have to ANSWER for that!
And no I DON"T believe that masks are the Mark of the Beast the Anti-Christ hasn't even revealed himself yet or started persecuting Christians (and for you rapture believers, wouldn't you be gone before that if the rapture was a real thing and was really was going to happen?)
#Mask #wearyourmask
This video also briefly address' the #Vaccines that are available although they are short and not the focus of this video, nor are
vaccine mandate, but this was made/finished and waiting to go live before pfizer got approval by the FDA for their pfizer vaccine

HisInstrument MinistriesMaskWear Your Mask

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