UNICEF | White Rice - One adolescent’s mission to improve her community’s sanitation

UNICEF | White Rice - One adolescent’s mission to improve her community’s sanitation

@White Rice’s partnership with @UNICEF Pakistan was elevated to new heights with an innovative approach in Virtual Reality, through documentaries showcasing human elements of UNICEF’s ASWA II project in Jhang Punjab, dealing with the problem of open defecation through Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH) protocols.

Nida Mumtaz, an adolescent student from Jhang is on a mission to spread key Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) messaging, while being a beacon of inspiration for her peers and community members. Watch this 360 degree VR film, and find out just how Nida is doing her job as a WASH Ambassador, and inspiring her community to build latrines.

#UNICEF #WhiteRice #VirtualReality


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