On Good Life: a Fascinating Philosophical Lecture by Cristian Iftode

On Good Life: a Fascinating Philosophical Lecture by Cristian Iftode

Specialized in ancient Greek philosophy, with a predilection for Aristotle, Cristian Iftode's interrogative stakes extend to the way we construct our ethical principles and examine our decisions, questioning notions of happiness and virtue. Part of Today Consequential, the eclectic and thought-provoking series of lectures and debates initiated by RCI London, the event aims at bringing ethics halfway between specialists and the general public, encouraging substantial reflections. Privileging moral acuity as a result of his philosophical intellectual formation, Cristian Iftode is making us ponder on several relevant questions, among which: What a Good life means in moral, utilitarian terms? and, ultimately how can we apply ethical principles in ordinary contexts of life?
Cristian Iftode is a Ph.D. Associate Professor, head of Department of Practical Philosophy and History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy within the University of Bucharest. He is a philosopher and ethicist specialized in ancient Greek philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, as well as contemporary philosophy, with a special interest for Michel Foucault. His latest book: Viață bună. O introducere în etică/ Good Life. An Introduction in Ethics. (Trei Publishing House, 2021).

Cristian IftodeICRICR Londra

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