Jesus was an ancient alien with a well defined mission on Earth? Part I

Jesus was an ancient alien with a well defined mission on Earth?  Part I

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What it is about, what a mystery has been solved, we will see in today's documentary.
One of the craziest theories invented by UFO enthusiasts is the presence of aliens and UFOs during the time of Jesus Christ. According to this theory, which refers to ancient texts found in Egypt, Jesus, with his phenomenal powers, was in fact an alien.
Throughout history, Jesus Christ and Christianity have always been associated with extraterrestrial activities. So on the walls of Georgia's Svetitskhoveli Cathedral there is a fresco depicting the crucifixion of Christ, on which dome-shaped objects scattered in different directions are painted in the left and right corners, resembling flying saucers, from which I emerge three rays, of jet engines.
Historians studying this 11th-century painting claim that strange ships are actually guardian angels, but in the Byzantine period in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia until the 1450s, angels were described as humans. with wings.
Conspiracy theorists believe that an unknown artist chose to show that these flying saucers were controlled by humans or aliens, who appear to have played a central role in the crucifixion of Jesus.
There are two recently deciphered texts from Egypt, one currently in the Morgan Library and Museum in New York, and the other in the University of Pennsylvania Museum, which indicates that Jesus was an alien and even a werewolf.
The text describes Judas' betrayal of Christ: “Then said the Jews to Judah, How shall we seize (Jesus)? Because it does not have a single shape and changes its appearance. Sometimes it's red, sometimes it's white, sometimes it's red, sometimes it's the color of wheat, sometimes it's pale as an ascetic, sometimes it's young and sometimes it's old. "
The second text, written in Coptic, describes how Pontius Pilate dined with Jesus the night before the crucifixion.
A Roman who is revered as a Coptic saint says to Jesus, “Well, the night has come, get up and leave, and when the morning comes and I am blamed for you, I will have to give them my only son, so to be able to kill him.
To which Jesus answers: "O Pilate, you are worthy of a great grace, because you have shown a good disposition towards me."
Then Jesus would show Pilate that he could change his form if he decided to run away.
The text says, "Then Pilate looked on Jesus, and now he was alone, and was invisible for a long time."
Jesus was an ancient astronaut with a well-defined mission on Earth.
One of the most interesting but controversial theories is that of ancient astronauts. These are just aliens that have descended from the skies since the Paleolithic period and interacted with humans to change both their genetic structure and destiny on this planet.
Zecharia Sitchin, the famous archaeologist and writer, was obsessed with Sumerian culture and their writings. He was the first man to publicly claim that the gods worshiped by the Sumerians were in fact aliens, who descended to Earth to help humans evolve.
Sitchin claims that the aliens came from a planet after Neptune called Nibiru. This planet, the 12th in the solar system, is said to have an elliptical orbit around the Sun, and is mentioned in the writings of many civilizations, including the Mayans. Usually, its existence is related to the coming of the Apocalypse.
These ancient cosmonauts first came to Earth over 450,000 years ago. They had peaceful thoughts and for some reason helped the ancient man to go through the spiral of evolution as quickly as possible. It is clear that Sumerian civilization knew more about aliens than we know today. These facts were recorded on numerous tablets, which were interpreted in countless ways by archaeologists, as if the truth had to be hidden at all costs.
By crossing the alien genes with those of primitive man, the Anunnaki would have created a hybrid, more advanced race that could have obeyed their orders. Berossus, a Sumerian priest, mentioned, according to Sumerian tablets, that the gods taught humans how to cross the threshold of animals, teaching them about mathematics, medicine, and astronomy, laying the foundations of the great Sumerian civilization.
The Bible and aliens.
Is this how Homo Sapiens - the forerunner of modern man - was born? Sitchin wanted to reinforce his words by referring to the Old Testament, especially Genesis.
In Genesis, but also in the Book of Numbers, some creatures are mentioned, called infidels who were a "mess" between "sons of God" and "daughters of man." There are many testimonies in the Old Testament about the crosses between angels and men. So were the angels, in fact, aliens?


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