FM22 - Creating Winning Tactics | 5 Steps Tactic Guide

FM22 - Creating Winning Tactics | 5 Steps Tactic Guide

Football Manager 2022 is here and the quest for the best FM22 tactics is ongoing. If you are reading this, it means you have a genuine interest in how to create winning tactics in Football Manager and not just looking for a quick fix that comes with tactics download.

In this video, Jack takes you through his 5 steps guide in creating Football Manager tactics, using his journey with Leeds and the tactic he created for that team as an example. Jack is our UEFA B licensed coach & an expert in FM tactics.

FM 22 - 5 Steps Tactic Guide 00:00
1. Create your playing PHILOSOPHY. 01:07
In Possession, Out of Possession, Transition In - Out, Transition Out - In. Does your formation, along with your players roles and duties, blend well with this?

2. WIDTH. 02:56
Have you got width in some form? If playing one wide player such as a wing back, are they set up to support the attack?

3. DEPTH. 06:38
How are you creating options and chances ahead of the ball? Do you have depth behind the ball to retain and or switch the ball?

4. Preventing the COUNTER. 08:56
Are you set up to defend the counter when building an attack and committing players forward?

Are you analysing your tactic in extended, comprehensive or full highlights? Avoid taking roles and duty descriptions at their word, and actually check to see if the player is performing the way you like. You might be surprised at what you see when factoring in the profile of the player as well as the roles and duties combined together.

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