‘Supreme Court Has Made Remarkable Intervention in Lakhimpur Case, CJI Ramana Is Leading from Front’

‘Supreme Court Has Made Remarkable Intervention in Lakhimpur Case, CJI Ramana Is Leading from Front’

Speaking with forceful and outspoken praise, one of India’s most illustrious lawyers, usually renowned for his stinging criticism of the Supreme Court and Chief Justices, has unstintingly praised the Court for its handling of the Lakhimpur Kheri case over the last two days of hearings which concluded this afternoon. Dushyant Dave says: “The Supreme Court has proved it’s the sentinel on the qui vive, it’s a truly watchful guardian of the citizens.” Dushyant Dave was also equally bountiful in his praise for Chief Justice Ramana who he said “has done remarkable work in the last few months”. Unlike his four predecessors who, Mr. Dave said, had “failed to discharge their constitutional duties”, CJI Ramana has “clearly proved he is true to his constitutional oath”.

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