Facebook & Instagram evil? Is it time to dump Facebook & Instagram?
Private PATREON Community with access to 3 extra Q&A’s/week: patreon.com/kendberrymd
TWITTER: twitter.com/KenDBerryMD
TikTok: @kendberrymd Clapper: @kendberrymd VERO: @kendberrymd
MeWe: mewe.com/kendberrymd GAB: @kendberrymd
Patreon: @kendberrymd LOCALS @kendberrymd
Youtube videos backed up here: https://odysee.com/@KenDBerryMD:d
Watch REVERSED docu-series: https://www.yurhealthnetwork.com/reversed
LOW-CARB CRUISE with us!! www.lowcarbcruiseinfo.com
LIES MY DOCTOR TOLD ME: https://amzn.to/2XvNNZm
Our Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/3inNA39
Dr Berry's Website: www.drberry.com
💟MINERAL /Electrolyte Drops: https://bit.ly/MineralFix
Proper Human Diet Shirts/Mugs/More
Navy Design: https://bit.ly/NavyPHD
White Design: https://bit.ly/WhitePHD
Neisha’s Podcast
Spotify: https://bit.ly/NeishaSpotify
Apple Podcast: https://bit.ly/NeishaApplePod
NEISHA's YouTube/Blog
Best JERKY I’ve tasted: https://matthatjerky.com/?ref=_vgzta3eC0uNy
Hate Liver? LIVER Supplement: http://bit.ly/AncestOrgs (Discount code = KENTEN)
Eat REAL Meat: http://bit.ly/yes2meat
Redmond’s Re-Lyte electrolytes; Discount code: DRBERRY
Redmond’s Bundles 💎 salt rocks http://bit.ly/Redmonds_crystals promo code DRBERRY
Keto Chow DISCOUNT CODE: DRBERRY10 http://shop.ketochow.xyz/?aff=96&ref=drkenberry
Electrolyte Drops
Carnivore Crisps: https://carnivorecrisps.com (discount code: BERRY)
Awesome Coffee: https://hollerroast.com/?ref=keto (discount)
🧖🏻♀️Beauty bundle https://shop.redmond.life/products/neisha-loves-it-bundle
🧂Big salt bundle (Neisha) https://shop.redmond.life/products/neisha-salty-bundle
🧂Small salt bundle (Dr B)😎 https://shop.redmond.life/pages/dr-berry-bundle
Disclaimer: Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote wellbeing. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual.