A teenager has been killed in an East London estate hours after another teenager was hospitalised after suffering from a hammer attack to the head.
Police were called to reports of a shooting in the Beaumont Road estate in Leyton at around 1.30am on Wednesday, September 1.
They later found a male, believed to be in his late teens, suffering from gunshot wounds on Beaumont Road.
Residents reported that the estate was 'locked down' with nobody allowed to leave unless they need to get food or go to hospital.
Nicky Durkan, 39, who runs the local food bank told My London: “I was sleeping in my bed then was awoken by police at my door at 2am and the helicopter up above. There were around ten police officers in my back garden.
“The police said the suspect was in my garden and the police were asking if they could search it. I was terrified because my backdoor was open.”