The Older You Get The More Important Family Is | Emotional Short Films About Family Bonds

The Older You Get The More Important Family Is | Emotional Short Films About Family Bonds

The first video starts with a scene at a wedding luncheon when it is interrupted by an announcement that the father of the bride has a message for her. One might notice the suspicious look on the bride and the sorrow in the father’s expression when the announcement is made. The reasons for these expressions will soon be revealed. As the father slowly moves towards a piano at the side of the room, it becomes clear that he is not known to be able to play the piano. When her father starts playing Pachelbel’s Canon in D, the bride’s initial response is one of irritation. As the music plays on, however, her memories of the piece quickly changes her mood from irritation to anguish. The music reminds her of her mother who used to play the piano when she was alive and how life changed drastically after she passed on. The father’s relationship with the bride is apparently one marked by an absence of closeness. The feeling of awkwardness and distance between them eventually drove the bride to move out of the family home.

In the second video, the spoiled son showed little or no respect towards his father and family. For example, he didn't mind his table manners; he didn't ask his dad's permission before flipping the channel which his dad was watching; All hell break loose when the son came home late one night and he angered his father. His infuriated father of course scolded him and this prompted the son to leave the house and found a job at the construction site which almost robbed him of his "freedom" (mobility) until his dad stepped in and help in again.

The third video takes us on a life journey beginning from the father's point of view. Viewers get the sense of how the father felt from the day he placed a "Baby in Car" sticker on his vehicle, his dedication in bringing his daughter to school as a child, and the fun-filled days when they would play peek-a-boo and bond with each other when she would help him fix the car. We also see through his eyes the teenage years of his daughter; we know all too well how challenging that phase can sometimes be. The video goes on to show the somber feel of being an empty nester with a daughter all grown up. We also bear witness to the teary-eyed daughter at her wedding and finally the dad's joy of putting the same "Baby in Car" sticker on her family car just before he meets his grandchild. The tearjerker video does not end there, after a second or two; viewers then see the same events shown earlier but through the eyes of the daughter.

Accept the challange and try not to cry after watching this heart touching emotional commercial!

Heart Touching Films will enable a platform which will raise awareness for universal human values and social unity. Our heartwarming stories will aim to remind the rights and values of being a human and create a sense of togetherness.

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