How To Minimize Large Pores | Skincare Solutions For Pores

How To Minimize Large Pores | Skincare Solutions For Pores

Do you have blackheads or whiteheads. Or visible open pores that create a lot of sebum? The bottom line is, if you wish to get rid of big pores and have a clear skin, all you need is a proper skincare routine
Acne and pimples appear when you have visible open pores and dirt accumulates in there, especially when your face gets oily. So how to get rid of big open pores? We’ll tell you how in this video.
We want that smooth skin with less visible pores that eliminate the dirt build up. Clear and smooth skin with smaller pores is a whole new level of flawlessness – and it works better, rather than just covering it up with make up.
Why do pores become enlarged?
The hair follicle has a gland inside that produces oil. This gland is called the sebaceous gland. When the sebaceous gland releases oil, the oil rises to the top of the skin and collects in the pore, which in time makes the pore get larger.
The main causes of enlarged pores are:
Excessive sebum - when a person’s sebaceous gland produces a lot of oil, leading to oily skin.
Decreased elasticity around the pore - when the skin becomes less supple.
We all know that in the winter our skin gets dry and our pores shrink – so lowering the temperature of your skin is great idea to shrink pores.
Salicylic acid
It’s a known fact that salicylic acid eliminates acne and pimples, but this can also shrink your pores with it's cooling effect on your skin.
Moisturize daily
The idea of moisturizing oily skin may be counterintuitive. However, an oil-free moisturizer can definitely help reduce pore enlargement.
Always remove makeup at night
It is essential to always remove makeup before going to sleep.
Sleeping with makeup overnight can cause the pores to become blocked due to a buildup of makeup, oil, and bacteria.
Let us know on the comments below how do you take care of your skin and which skincare routine works best for you. If you enjoyed this video please don't forget to like, subscribe and click the bell notification for more content like this!
What's your current favorite way to get rid of big pores? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you.
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