As you guys can imagine making a movie of this scale is not an easy task.
That is why we are searching for more talented people to join our CGI/Animation team!
If you are a passionate Transformers fan and you want to join our project and are skilled in one of or more of the following fields:
Modelling (Blender or C4D)
Animation (Blender or C4D)
Rigging (Blender or C4D)
Texturing (environments mostly but also characters)
Compositioning (3D + 2D, Nuke, After Effects)
Track Solving (tracking in Mocha AE, Nuke)
...then go to our Discord fan server ( https://discord.gg/f7KYnzuw35 ) and in the channel "submissions", write us what field(s) you are talented in and we will hit you up! ;)
Transformers: Rise of UnicronTF: RoUCall for team members