What SpaceX just did with Starship Nosecone is unbelievable and unlike no one...
Huge thanks to:
LabPadre: https://www.youtube.com/@LabPadre
Starship Gazer: https://www.youtube.com/@StarshipGazer
Austin Barnard: https://twitter.com/austinbarnard45
PowerfulJRE: https://www.youtube.com/@joerogan
Cosmic Perspective: https://twitter.com/considercosmos
TijnM: https://www.youtube.com/@tijnm4098
If you’ve been following Starship from the very beginning, you will know that its nosecone has been now changed very differently from the original.
The first Starship nosecone looked incredibly rough and scabrous, not like something that could ever survive a journey into space.
The nosecone that SpaceX produces now looks much becoming more and more refined and well-looked with smoother metal walls. The layout is also much tighter.
So how did Starship nosecone go from looking like this to this in just a few years?
What SpaceX has done with Starship Nosecone is completely unbelievable and unlike no one.
Find out everything about this in today's episode of Alpha Tech:
The nose cone is considered one of the most essential parts of an orbital rocket!
Basically, a nose cone is known as the conically shaped forward-most section of a rocket. It is designed to modulate oncoming airflow behaviors and minimize aerodynamic drag.
The first point that meets the air is the nose cone at the front end of the rocket. The amount of air resistance that opposes a rocket's motion depends mainly on the nose cone's shape, the rocket's diameter, and the rocket's speed.
Elon Musk, therefore, focused a lot of resources on perfecting the Starship nose cone.
Firstly, the most obvious thing that any of us can notice is that the Starship Nose cones exterior is much smoother.
This is related to the welding technique.
In the past, SpaceX would first produce a series of thin, stamped sheets (gores) of steel. Once aligned on custom-built jigs, each of those gores would be welded together to form a slightly conical ring. Five total ‘rings’ would be assembled, each narrower and more conical than the last. The five sections would then be stacked one by one and welded together along their circumferences.
What SpaceX just did with Starship Nosecone is unbelievable and unlike no one...