20 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid

20 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid

When we were young, we still had hope for America. We thought that if we worked as hard as our parents, we would have about the same living standards. We used to think that we were going to be able to own a home, or maybe get a college degree, or buy a new car, and also afford everyday expenses just as our parents and grandparents did back in the day. But living conditions have sharply deteriorated since then. The cost of virtually everything has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, but our salaries have not. Things have gotten dramatically worse in the United States since we were kids, and now we're the ones having to cope with a broken economy that makes millions of families struggle to make ends meet every month. 
What in the world has happened to our country? Most of us still have very fond memories from when we were younger - “the good old days” that seem so far away by now. But those times aren't coming back. Our problems keep growing bigger and bigger, and the more time passes by, the fewer Americans can afford to live in this country. That's why today, we decided to compile some shocking numbers comparing how life used to be a few decades ago to what we are living today.
Having a child has always been expensive, but today it costs more than ever to raise your kids in the US. Adjusting for inflation, the average weekly childcare costs increased to $216 in 2021 from $84 in 1985, according to the US Census Bureau. On top of that, childcare and pre-college education make up 18% of the total cost of raising a kid, compared with 2% in 1960, according to a Young Invincibles report.
You’re probably going to spend around 50% in healthcare than your parents and grandparents did back in the day. Parents today are also paying more than double for electricity than they did in the 1970s. Car prices have also skyrocketed in the last five decades. The average cost of a new car in 1970 was just $3,450.0, while in 1980, Americans paid $7,200.00, and in 1990, they spent $16,950.00. In contrast, this year, if you want to buy a new car you’ll face an average price of an astounding $47,000. Compared to home prices in the 90s, today, American adults spend on average 128.49% more on housing. On top of that, Americans who were born in 1970 have seen their purchasing power decline by a shocking 653.34% over the past 52 years.
All of this shows that the United States is in a giant mess right now, and we desperately need to get things turned around. We are deeply, deeply troubled as a society, as a nation, and as a declining economic superpower. America has fallen from greatness and needs to be restored. But we must act now because the window to start making that change is closing very rapidly. Here are 20 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid.

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