Trump Threatens Mitch McConnell In The Stupidest Way Possible

Trump Threatens Mitch McConnell In The Stupidest Way Possible

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Donald Trump issued a threatening ultimatum to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell this week, threatening to withhold his endorsement from any Republican who votes for the Build Back Better Act. He also tested out some new insults against McConnell that were weirder than they were mean, and he said that McConnell should be removed from office if Republicans support the legislation. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump sent out an exceptionally angry statement yesterday where he attacked Mitch McConnell and plenty of other Republicans, but most of his anger was directed at Mitch McConnell because Donald Trump does not want Mitch McConnell to vote for the build back, better act or as Donald Trump calls it the, um, whereas it dream of communism, bill dream, dream of communism bill, because Donald Trump's a moron who doesn't know what the word communism means, but during the little rant in the statement, multiple different occasions, he was apparently trying out new insults for Mitch McConnell called him an old Crow called them an old broken Crow, caught him a broken old Crow. And just other variations of that, you know, those three words. Sure. But just always in a different order. So I guess he was just kind of workshopping it in real time as he's like hammering this out on a keyboard and couldn't keep it straight and just said, you know what?

Let's just let the public decide which insult is the best. And Mitch McConnell of course responded. And he said, Hey, that's an honor. Right? Old Crow is a brand of bourbon. And I, you know, we like it here, so cool. And that's it. You know what I D I, I hate Mitch McConnell. I hate him, but I have to hand it to him. Like, that's a pretty good way to handle it, right. To not only shrug it off, but also make a joke about it. I mean, come on little turtle guy got him on that one. So point to Mitch McConnell for this, but what's. Donald Trump off obviously is the fact that he does not want the build back better act to pass. And trust me, neither does Mitch McConnell because if bill back better becomes the law of the land, it is going to boost the Democrats.

It is going to boost Joe Biden's sagging approval rating. It's the wind that Democrats have desperately needed. And Donald Trump is desperate to keep them from getting it. And he knows what happened with the infrastructure bill, right? You had your 15 Republicans in the house. You had a couple in the Senate vote to pass this thing and he doesn't want the same thing for build back. Better thing is there's no indication that any Republicans are going to support this at all. In fact, based on everything we know, it's pretty safe to say that every Republican is probably going to vote against it. And Donald Trump knows that. But what he is actually doing here is trying to get ahead of it, put the pressure on these Republicans, even though they weren't going to do the thing he's telling them not to do anyway. So that way, when they don't do it, he can come out and claim credit for them not doing what they already said. They weren't going to do. That's how Donald Trump works. That's the whole point of this. It wasn't just a workshop. New insults against Mitch McConnell. It was to try to convince the Republicans out there in America, that when Republicans vote against this thing, they only voted against it because Donald Trump told them to.

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