This is a guide video with spoilers on which are the best speech choices to choose in the game or what the other options do if you selected the wrong one, find out what happens in the story if you had selected a different option in the Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy game.
0:00 Spoilers Ahead
0:32 Hide the Creature or Hide the Tech
1:04 Stand up for Nikki or Tell Ko-Rel the Truth
1:29 Sell Groot or Sell Rocket
2:13 Speak into the Helmet or Put it down
2:37 Knowhere Bar Singing to get Free Ticket to the Emporium
3:22 Refuse Disabler or Buy Disabler
3:52 Ball under Cups Game Scam
4:39 Green Collector's Doll for Gamora
4:55 How to Distract Raker so Rocket can Hack the Drone
5:44 Follow Gamora or Let her go
6:09 Pay the Fine or Don't Pay the Fine
6:55 Share Intel or Reject Conclusion
7:36 Free Cosmo from his Promise
7:58 Free Nikki from her Promise
8:34 How to Annoy Magus
Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzVh5eK32eA&list=PLEFmHCQRBf0CKXiOVZd5d0_RITnFCpcLp
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