Let the unlimited sexual potency of the Earth into your body. The Earth is full of the sexual energy for the creation and she is always happy to share some of this primal libido energy with you. The tantric subliminal brainwave encoding music resonates with your sexual center and opens your body and spirit for receiving the tribal fertile gifts of the Earth. The earthly sexual energy flows into you body and charges your genital chakra with the forces of the nature. Accept this eternal ancient libido and make your partner as happy and satisfied as never before.
All the magic of our far ancestors was based on the cult of mother-earth and sexual fertility rituals. Learn from the far forefather and foremother. Their energy makes you an unstoppable lover and lets you fly to the sky on the wings of the ultimate sexual joy taking your beloved partner with you to the realms of unbelievable sexual pleasures of the sacred archaic tantra.
The tantric sexuality subliminal works equally well for both men and women, therefor the meditation is unisex and can be enjoyed together with your partner. The brainwaves stimulate both the feminine sexuality and the masculine sexuality. The subliminal is great for arousing the female passion and male potency. Charge with the sexual libido of the ancestors together for the fantastic sexual experiences you have never though of before.
The tantric sexuality music subliminal frequency charges your whole body and lets you pass this energy on to anyone you have an intercourse with. Save this energy for someone special or share it with few people - it is your choice, the Earth is ready to give you so much of her sexual libido that you will have more than enough for any sexual activities you can imagine.
The tantric brainwave encoding connects you to the energy flow of the Earth and lets you spread the joy, pleasure and happiness around yourself. The tantric earthly libido subliminal frequency liberates your primal sexual nature, builds a rock-solid self-esteem and charges your with self-confidence. The earthly libido subliminal meditation makes you a legendary lover every person secretly dreams about.