Thank you to Alan, Derek, and Nemo for being part of this video!!
Electric Guitar - Alan Hsueh 薜華倫
Drums - Derek Hung 洪德耀
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/DerekHung1985
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ilovemusic1211
Bass - Nemo Shao 邵孟榮
IG: https://www.instagram.com/Unorthodox_unbranded_calf
Keyboard/Vocals - Melody Hwang 黃友聞
YT: https://www.youtube.com/melodyhwangmusic
IG: https://www.instagram.com/melodyhwangmusic/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/MelodyHwangMusic/
Mixed & Edited by Melody Hwang
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【Stir Up the Flame 靈火點燃】
Intro: C#m B Cdim C#m
C#m B Cdim C#m
靈火點燃 , 攪動我心 熊熊烈火 , 透亮我靈
Stir up the flame, keep it alive, even ablaze on the inside
C#m B Cdim C#m
我心切望, 祢來掌權 全心為祢, 燃燒燃盡
Come have Your way, rise in this place, consume our hearts for Your namesake
A B C#m E
來同唱 聖靈歡迎祢降臨 靈火落在每一顆心
Come, we sing, Holy Spirit, from above, Holy Spirit fall upon us
A B C#m E (G#)
靈風吹 聖靈歡迎祢降臨 靈風席捲每一顆心
Breathe on us, Holy Spirit from above, Holy Spirit fall upon us
C#m B Cdim C#m
求祢察看 伸手拯救 震動這地 賜我勇氣
Look on the threats, stretch out Your hand, come shake this place, give us boldness
C#m B Cdim C#m
揚起聲來 , 同心呼求 祢國降臨 , 旨意成全
We lift up our voice, as one we will shout, Your kingdom come, Your will be done
主,降下祢靈火 我們切切渴慕
Lord, let Your fire fall, we are in need of You
C#m B
賜下祢的同在 充滿我
Our hearts are longing for Your presence
A F#m
主,降下祢靈火 我們切切渴慕
Lord, let Your fire fall, we are in need of You
C#m G#m
賜下祢的同在 充滿我
Our hearts are longing for Your presence
So let your fire fall
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Melody Hwang 黃友聞
♥ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/melodyhwangmusic
♥ IG: https://www.instagram.com/melodyhwangmusic/
♥ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelodyHwangMusic/
"Unrequited Love Songs":http://hyperurl.co/unrequitedlovesongs