S.Korea Coastguard Has Captured 7 Chinese Fishing Boats And Forced 360 Others Out

S.Korea Coastguard Has Captured 7 Chinese Fishing Boats And Forced 360 Others Out

Hundreds of illegal Chinese fishing boats enter S.Korean Waters!
Hundreds of Chinese fishing boats operating illegally along the sea border between South and North Korea are decimating local catches and damaging the environment, according to South Korean authorities and fishermen.
In a development that has reignited a long-standing point of contention between Seoul and Beijing, a great surge of Chinese vessels has entered the waters surrounding the Northern Limit Line in the Yellow Sea.
On South Korean estimates an average of 180 Chinese boats have been catching crabs north of Yeonpyeong Island, one of the five northernmost South Korean islands, every day for the past month, putting to an end a year-long hiatus that followed the outbreak of the coronavirus.
“This is about three times as many as last year’s number,” said Shin Joong-geun, the leader of a fishermen’s association on Yeonpyeong Island. “From this island, you can easily see fleets of Chinese fishing boats operating near the Northern Limit Line.”
South Korea’s Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Moon Seong-hyeok said on Friday that illegal fishing must be “completely eradicated” and warned that from next year the country would employ drones and artificial intelligence to boost its maritime surveillance systems.
A South Korean fisheries ministry official said the renewed presence of the boats would be raised next month when the two countries held their annual meeting to discuss ways to clamp down on illegal fishing.
“Chinese authorities say they are making their utmost efforts to stop illegal fishing by Chinese vessels in our sea. In reality, it is quite difficult for us to deal with Chinese fishing boats operating near the Northern Limit Line, so we always urge Chinese authorities to double their efforts to stop this headache,” he said.
TV news footage showed South Korean coastguard personnel boarding a Chinese fishing vessel in a nighttime raid and using a hammer to smash the window of the cabin where the crew had locked themselves in. In other footage, the coastguard cut through iron bars that had been installed in front of a cabin door.
The special coastguard has captured seven Chinese fishing boats and forced 360 others out of the fishing grounds near the sea Northern Limit Line this year alone.

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