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The story of Foo Fighters songs that Kurt Cobain liked
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what's going on my fellow rock n' rollers. Now during and prior his time in Nirvana Dave Grohl was always writing songs and recording. Now Grohl would release a tape called Pocketwatch under the pseudonym 'Late'. Now Grohl would share some of the songs he came up with Cobain, but at the same time Grohl was careful not to push his ideas on the other members of Nirvana as he revealed to Howard Stern in this interview. You know the way kurt wrote songs is that he wrote these really simple songs and he's a great lyricist. His objective was really like make a song as catchy as memorable and simple as possible. Did he allow you any feedback in the writing process? I mean, here you are a great songwriter. We didn't even talk about it. We'd go into the room and he'd just start playing something and we'd just play along and it would become a song. We wouldn't say hm that chorus needs to be twice as long. You wouldn't question him, so he was the leader of that band. The idea was to not even talk about music to keep it as pure as possible. Did it frustrate you that Kurt Cobain i mean here you are a bit of a control freak you have all these songs inside of you and then kurt cobain, hahaha that's not describing you. How did you function inside that band. It was great, but it's almost like being george harrison. George harrison had great songs, but the Beatles made him only have one song on an album. Kurt wouldn't let you have, but he was in a band with Lennon and McCartney and Iwas in a band with Kurt. It's that famous joke what was the last thing the drummer said before he got kickee out. I got a song i think we should play. You can't and i was perfectly happy. Iwas like disco drumming but didn't you have all these great songs in those head you had written. didn't you say to kurt i've got great songs. no. you wouldn't do that. You never let him hear anything you wrote. He liked some of it,he liked a couple of them there were two he really liked he wanted to do but he was afraid to ask me if he could change the lyrics. Do you think if kurt hadn't died you'd still be in nirvana and never had written any of the songs you'd written for foo fighters and never gone out and done it. In a way his death liberated you in a weird sense. I mean i know i would still be recording and writing stuff on my own. Now in that interview grohl references two songs that grohl liked and wanted to change the lyrics to.So what songs were they? Well in a separate interview Grohl would reveal the songs were alone and easy target and exhausted, both of which would appear on Foo Fighters debut album in 1995, an album that grohl would mostly play all the instruments on himself except for one guitar solo that was done by Afghan Whigs guitarist Greg Dulli on X-Static. Now here's Grohl talking in detail about the songs and Cobain's reaction. Yeah i mean i played him tapes of stuff and there were a few songs that kurt liked a lot and wanted to turn into Nirvana songs but for some reason they just never did. The song alone and easy target, kurt really liked that song a lot he liked the chorus a lot. Ithink he wanted to make the chorus into something and then there's a song called exhausted that apparently he never said to me, but he liked the song a lot he just wanted to write his own lyrics to it. i think he was afaraid to ask me if we could do the song but with his lyrics, which i would have said sure. Fine that'll be great. Now by the time Nirvana did their final studio record 'in-utero' in 1993 Cobain was allowing greater contributions from his bandmates most notably on the song 'Scentless Apprentice' whichw as inspired completely by the drum intro Grohl came up with and Grohl had also written and sang vocals on the song Marigold, which was released as a b-side to the single 'Heart Shaped Box.' Marigold was actually first released on Grohl's pocketwatch release which came out in 1992. That does it for today's video guys thanks for watching. Be sure to hit the like button and subscribe. If you have suggestions for future topics let me know in the comments section below. Take care.