Come Learn how to make a whimsical "Merry Christmas" CHRISTmas Wreath with Sherry & Amanda of Grace Monroe Home. This wreath is so cute and fun!
Join Design With The Pros Club here: https://gracemonroehome.com/learn-to-make-wreaths/
Sign from from @Hobby Lobby
Red and White ornaments and red glitter picks from @Walmart
Black and White Poinsettias from craftoutlet.com
Find more DIY Wreath Tutorials on our blog: www.gracemonroehome.com
Follow us on all of our social media platforms:https://www.Facebook.com/thegracemonr...
Purchase any of our wreaths or premium wreath tutorials here: https://gracemonroehome.com/shop/diy-...
You can join our FREE wreath & crafting group on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thear...
Wreath Business Blueprint: https://gracemonroehome.com/wreath-bu...
Find more DIY Wreath Tutorials on our blog: www.gracemonroehome.com
For Business Inquiries: info@gracemonroehome.com