How To Visualize $42,000 Coming Into Your Life

How To Visualize $42,000 Coming Into Your Life

How To Visualize $42,000 Coming Into Your Life
Watch the video over and over by right-clicking and choosing the "Loop" option.

If you need a different amount look at my money counting video playlist for the exact amount you need and use that video.
If that amount is not in the list of videos let me know in the comments and I will work to get that video for you. If you need a different currency let me know about that too. Feel it and believe it..

For this to work you need to....
Make a list of what you will do with the extra money and
Write down what you are willing to do to get the money.
Put those things on a 3 x 5 card and carry it with you all day long
PRAY never-ceasing about this and ask for inspiration on how to do it
Watch this video daily

Write down your goal, why you need it, what you will do with it, and how you are going to get it.

Come up with a plan that you can believe.
Most people can only really believe an increase of 10% over what you are already earning or repeating your best month ever.
Some people have had so many challenges that even asking them to believe they can earn 10% than they are wearing is too much.
If you are one of those people you need to look at your "Best Month Ever" and realize the time in your life that you earned the MOST Money you have ever earned and embrace that memory. Remember when you actually held that money in your hand and had that kind of money go into the bank or at least through your fingers. It is best if you have actually held that amount of money in your hand at least once.

Changing the frequency of how often you have held the money is easy. So if you have only ever held $500 in your hands, you may want to imagine you are earning that over and over... weekly or daily.

Experiment with it.
Let me know how it is going in the comments.
Let me know if you are interested in doing a live stream with me.
Have a great day.

#MontyKReed #GetSTARTED #GetSTARTEDdontquit
#CountingOutTheBenjamins be entertained be motivated Emergency Food Supply (Start a business for $100 ) Consulting: Personal and Business

vizualize moneyvisualize wealthvisualize money

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