We're making our own Wireless LEDs! Once again thanks to PCBWay.com for sponsoring the channel.
We had a look at these cool wireless LEDs in this video: https://youtu.be/xJc-Dkvh4Q8
And I said - "It would be really easy to make your own"...
So here you go - a complete working set of DIY LEDs with the driver circuit knocked up on some Breadboard.
I am cheating slightly and using one of my ESP32 as the oscillator, but I'm sure you've got a supply of these ready to hand if you watch the channel regularly.
The ones I got from Aliexpress are available here (affiliate link): https://youtu.be/xJc-Dkvh4Q8
To make your own, you'll need some 2.2mH inductors, 220pF capacitors and some LEDs.
I'm sure you've probably got these already - but just in case (and for the affiliate clicks!)
Capacitors: https://amzn.to/3oAgn7R
Inductors: https://amzn.to/3kBw6SH
LEDs: https://amzn.to/3cdh3KH
And if you are in need of an ESP32 board - the TinyPico is a great option: https://amzn.to/3nglR8k