Jay Lopez of Cleannex LLC explains how a quarter inch of grease is deep cleaned from a restaurant kitchen exhaust system. He starts at the top of the system, which is the fan, and works his way down to the duct, grease filters, and oven hood. He scrapes and power washes thick layers of grease away from the metal. If a kitchen exhaust system is not cleaned according to national guidelines, a fire can ignite and burn down the building. It's recommended that these are cleaned every 30 days to six months, depending on the cuisine and frequency of cooking.
How A Greasy Kitchen Is Professionally Deep Cleaned | Deep Cleaned
How 47 Years Of Dust Is Deep Cleaned From Air Vents | Deep Cleaned
How 6 Years Of Mold In A Car Is Deep Cleaned | Deep Cleaned
#Grease #DeepCleaned #Insider
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How Thick Layers Of Restaurant Grease Are Cleaned | Deep Cleaned