OCD isn't a matter of being fastidious, or obsessive about certain things. It is a desperately distressing condition in which sufferers eg. feel that if they don't do something in a certain way, something terrible will happen, or are plagued by very distressing intrusive thoughts which they can't shift. These are only two symptoms, there are others.
Suffers will normally have to build extra time into their day to perform rituals (such as touching or checking things over and over), or excessive handwashing or washing of objects because of contamination fears, and tend not to socialize with others as a result.
The bizarre, very odd nature of OCD worries and behaviors makes it next to impossible for sufferers to reach out for help.
OCD cannot be tackled with a ‘common sense’ or logical approach – this usually makes it worse. It is therefore a very difficult thing for family and friends to understand.
Helena Tarrant suffered from long term debilitating OCD and anxiety. She recovered
via Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and self-developed strategies.
As an OCD advocate, Helena works independently and in association with several charities to dispel the myths and stigma surrounding OCD and anxiety, and to help sufferers and supporters.