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People come into and leave our lives on a regular basis. Change they say is constant and so our lives keep changing. God brings people in and removes them from our lives. Some of them He brings back and some He does not.
In this video, we will be talking about 5 signs God probably removed people from your life but will bring them back someday.
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The first sign is that you've lost people but for some reason, they keep staying on your mind.
Very often when we lose people from our lives it is a learning curve trying to understand and accept that those people are no longer in our lives. This is often not easy and can be a difficult process, one that takes us more than a few days to ever accept.
But sometimes this fact that it is taking us a long time to accept and process means that God is not letting them just go. He is taking them away so He can bring them back to you.
But for His purposes, He has created space and distance between you but He wants you to always remember who that person is and subsequently stay prepared for a day in the future when He will bring that person back into your life.
We can't speculate on the duration.
We can't speculate on God's purposes, but we live our lives as Christians to glorify Him and if in so keeping that person in our hearts, He brings them back, to give Him glory, we acknowledge and worship him for that.
The second sign is that person keeps coming into your life at the most opportune moments.
Sometimes, God takes away a person He puts there because you no longer need that person in that season of your life.
That means that person will come back into your life when the season and time for that comes.
So God creates separation. He creates space to allow you to be who you are without letting people around you suffocate you. God uses this space to elevate you. This separation is to grow you on the periods you are away from that person.
So while the periods of absence of these people in our lives might be uncomfortable. These people were put in place specifically to bless us and once that season of blessing passes, God moves them away to other things. God in His infinite wisdom is the only one who can tell us if that person is coming back but we have seen signs or similarities of conditions in the Bible. While in the moments it is uncomfortable to trust that He knows best, we always trust Him, because He indeed knows better than us.
We've seen it in the Bible, notably how God consistently raises good leaders for the people of Israel. Taking pity on them and redeeming them from the sin of their ways. In very many ways God replicates that in our lives today. Bringing forth people who are not just participants but meant to bring forth spiritual and physical growth in our lives. It doesn't matter if God has moved them away from us. God will bring them back as He deems fit if He deems it fit because that's who He is. He works in a timely and great manner.
The third sign is that you are experiencing real spiritual growth after a period of stagnation.
As Christians, our number one priority should always be God. That's to say our focus should always be on Him. We should look to Him for strength, guidance, and purpose and that purpose should not be vested in any one person.
Very often we forget this fact.
We forget that as we live here, if we are like our father in heaven, we are meant to bear fruits. Good fruits that show that we are branches of him. Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew.
Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Matt. 7:17-18 NIV
So in order that we may be good trees and bear good fruits, God takes away relationships, connections, people, and things that while they were there force us to look at them and not God. It could be a connection with a friend. It could be a relationship with a boyfriend. God uses these gaps in intimacy to remind us to come to Him because He is the source of life and the truest and only source of good.
When you start to experience this growth, God could bring back what you lost. He could restore everything you lost after He had established himself in your life not just as King but as Lord. He will keep establishing himself regardless of whatever relationships we already have. God loves us that is why he does this. He will keep doing it, taking out people from our lives if those people are a hindrance to our faith and only bringing them back when He judges that they won't make us fall off.