WWHF | Advanced Phishing Threat (APT), The Reel Dangers of Surfing the Web | Payton Miller | 1 Hour

WWHF | Advanced Phishing Threat (APT), The Reel Dangers of Surfing the Web | Payton Miller | 1 Hour

——Chat happening in Discord:

00:00:00 - PreShow Banter™
00:30:40 - FEATURE PRESENTATION: Advanced Phishing Threat
01:22:10 - Q & A

Phishing Campaigns are commonly regarded as disposable, lightweight engagements that are easily deployable in mass. This assumption leads many individuals and organizations to ignore the persistent threat and the widespread dangers resulting from successful exploitation. It's important to note that while these operations can be lightweight, they can also be extremely thorough.

In order to defend yourself, it's essential to understand critical ways that adversaries can leverage misconceptions to legitimize themselves further. We will be discussing recent technological trends that make the web more accessible and easier to use but at the cost of making the web as vulnerable as ever.

The topics will range greatly: authorization through third-party entities, how website sprawl can lower your security, the benefits of a good domain, as opposed to hundreds of domains, and even controversial topics like does everyone at your company really need to Email, and who is the biggest threat? By understanding why phishing is such a persistent threat, you will be able to halt attackers in their tracks, but we first need to understand their steps to gaining legitimacy. Only then can we begin discussing methods that you can employ to protect yourself from these vectors.

Join the WWHF Discord Community to participate in discussion with the presenter and attendees: https://discord.gg/wwhf

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