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LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE - Today I am starting the lengthy and expensive process of buying EVERY skin in Valorant. Ever wonder what happens when you own every skin in Valorant? You're going to find out exactly what happens! This will take several videos to complete and I plan on buying skins several times a week, and playing with them each video till I own every single Valorant skin! :) consider this the first episode. Todays episode we get some amazon prime loot, and two melees :D 3 more and we will have EVERY melee in Valorant!
TWITCH👹 https://www.twitch.tv/urnotjustin
TWITTER🐣 https://twitter.com/urxnot
INSTAGRAM📷 https://www.instagram.com/yourenotjustin/
SNAPCHAT👻 justinblackwell
DISCORD👥 https://discord.gg/K4p753j
#urnot #valorant #allskins
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Miss ya Autumn
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