Sorry if this isn't the place to post this, but It's the first sub that came to mind and I didn't want to talk to anyone I know in real life about this for hopefully obvious reasons.
So, my Mom got remarried about 4 or 5 years ago now to my new step dad Steve. I never had an issue with this as he was a really cool and nice guy, he never tried to replace my dad (who isn't dead but just isn't in my life) but he was always very supportive. The other day I was looking for some headphones because mine were broken, and knowing my mom always puts the ones you get with new phones in her night stand, I went looking in there.
I didn't find any in hers, so I thought screw it and checked Steve's nightstand too. I didn't find any headphones, but what I did find was a pair of what were definitely my underwear and pictures of me.
I (F17) think my step dad (M46) might have a thing for me (UPDATE)
#Relationships #Parenting #Family