table no. 21 part 2 very sad story and immodest story

table no. 21 part 2 very sad story and immodest story

Hello Freind I am Umair Akhtar

my channel name is ZAKnet

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table no. 21 part 2

Movie: Table No.21
Music: Gajendra Verma, Neeraj Shridhar & Sachin Gupta
Actor: Rajeev Khandelwal, Tina Desai, Paresh Rawal & Dhruv Ganesh
Produced by: Sunil Lulla & Viki Rajani
Directed by: Aditya Datt

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This movie came in the wrong time.If it had been released now it would have been a hit.Since story now of people is different finally people are going for more content movies.Its true that this movie was totally ahead of time and peoples mentality.Truely loved the film.

ZAKnettable no. 21 part 2table no. 21 full movie

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