i made a dni list‼️ [dni = Do Not Interact]

i made a dni list‼️ [dni = Do Not Interact]

info and my reasons on why:

poppytwt: people that ships dsmp minors with adults/problematic ships and make nsfw stuff out of it. I don't think I have to explain why I put it in my list

fruitytwt: people who ships Tubbo and Ranboo in characters and real life. Again, I think it's obvious on why I put it here

clemtwt: people who think that cc!Tommy is a transfem lesbian and also is calling him Clementine. Tommy have stated he doesn't want people to make him trans (no he isn't transph0bic. he just doesn't feel comfortable with people making him trans)

sysburtwt: people who think cc!Wilbur have DID and is a system (and probably ship ghostbur and revivebur and stuff like that)

fltwt: a faceleak twitter. self explanatory

dsmp antis: dream smp antis/haters. self explanatory

romantic DeoInnit shippers: people who romantically ship DeoInnit. Screw off, Deo is an adult and Tommy is a minor

callmecarson and roscripts defenders: people who defend cmc and roscripts. You know why.

ppl who s£xu@lise/make fun of age regression: it's a coping mechanism not a s£x play, wtf?

fakeclaimers: people who claim someone else have a disorder without proof. Just no.

proshippers: people who ship any ship. even toxic/problematic/@bus!ve ones. Yeah um, I think it's obvious on why I put them

10 y/o and below: Videos I made are not suitable for any of you. sorry but no

ppl who make fun of triggers: seriously wtf is wrong with you if you fall into this category?

ppl who cross other ppl's boundaries/s£xu@lise real people: pretty obvious on why

hom0phobes/transph0bes/people who are being offensive towards the LGBTQ+ community: as a pansexual, this is a hard dni. seriously, go away if you fall into this category

toxic stans from any fandom: toxic stans in general. I personally don't really care what fandom you're from but if you're toxic, go tf away

rac!sts: yeah this is so obvious on why


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