Hammond Lessons: D minor pentatonic throughout a chord progression

Hammond Lessons: D minor pentatonic throughout a chord progression

I've been wanting to make more tutorial videos. I'm still experimenting with what I want to do, but every now and then I just try something.

In this case this video is based on questions I've been getting from my students about the Montis, Goudsmit & Directie song " R U In Love " and what I do in my organ solo.

I basically play D Minor Pentatonic scale throughout the whole chord progressions, even though sometimes I add some other things.


Let me know what you think and what else you feel I could talk about in future videos.

You can find the song on Spotify or any other streaming service and YouTube of cours.


Link to the album version on YouTube :


You can us on Spotify too or any other streaming service for that matter.

Interested in lessons? www.hammondlessons.com


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