Fall Field Notes Junk Mail Journal (Part 1) - Decorating the Cover

Fall Field Notes Junk Mail Journal (Part 1) - Decorating the Cover

Hands up if you also love the autumn/fall season! Let's celebrate this beautiful time of year by making a fall-themed junk mail journal. In this part, I'll catch you up with what I've done so far and then we'll decorate the cover together.

I hope you enjoy this video. If you do, please leave me a like or consider subscribing to my channel to see more :-) xoxo

Fall Field Notes Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMQab6Zbq58&list=PLs4rD-zYjLqSKSHdEvfEfqrUjXD_-ZWLa

Tatty Treasure's tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66haNHrF24M&list=PLu54qtHzTjPCuFoDPZ8JyebpNn9cSuDKy
IzzyBee Craft Creations' tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnQc-_hkrt4

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#junkjournalideas #junkjournalcoverideas #naturejunkjournal #naturejournal #craftwithme #makingjunkjournalcovers

junk journaljunk mail journaljunk mail envelope journal

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