My guest today is Cal Washington. He is the co-founder and CEO of Inpower, a worldwide movement with the mission to put communities back in power. He is also the author of the ‘Notice of Liability’, a document to get out of contracts we have inadvertently agreed to, worldwide. His goal: People to be blessed and empowered!
In this conversation Cal guides us through his discovery of the commercial system that is running in the background worldwide. He shares how it works and how it's understanding enabled him to break free from the system: He not only had judges run from the court room and government officials resign but also the Queen defaulting on her oath owing 300m $.
► About Cal Washington: http://inpowermovement.com/
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Commercial System:
- Why it's potentially very balanced & honorable
- Why we're kept in a bondage & bound contractually in numerous ways
- The different jurisdictions: Statutes, Common Law, Law Merchant, Spiritual Realms, God
- The underlying illusions we are all born into, e.g. borders, countries, authority, money, work, business
- Commerce - the global system: Why countries are registered as corporations
- Why the elite has to adhere to our Free Will and requires our agreements
- Police as corporate policy enforcers
Law Merchant:
- The origins tracing back millennia
- A very effective system always based on truth, agreement & biblical principles
- How the 'Law Merchant' got secretly merged into the main court system
- How we unknowingly got all turned into merchants
- Dishonor: Why you lose at court when you argue or disagree
- Why to use conditional acceptance: 'I'll agree if you can prove it'
- Why a merchant will never put forth a false claim against another merchant
- How to turn false claims around
- Money: The blood of the system
- Why most judges know Law Merchant, but most lawyers don't
Nature of agreements:
- 4 elements of a contract
- Vaxination a commercial activity: Why there is no 'force' just selling
- Tacit agreement: Silence taken as agreement
- Why we have ongoing contractual relationship implied by the government
- The 'Notice of Liability': InPowers solution to stop global agendas!
- Its effect & structure and the jurisdictions invoked
- Why no knowledge about law is required
The 'bigger' picture:
- Spiritual jurisdiction: Why the bible is a contract & the elite accountable to it
- Off planetary jurisdictions: Why the elite is bound to their rules
- Why sin is debt and vice versa
- The truth about weaponized agendas
- Checkmate: How Cal defaulted the Queen
- Why the elite is now in dishonor and has no protection anymore
- The last incarnation of the system
Disclaimer: This is NOT legal advice – this is a philosophical exploration.
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#Inpower #LawMerchant #CalWashington