{474} How To Test Transistor With Digital Multimeter /BJT Failures of Transistor

{474} How To Test Transistor With Digital Multimeter /BJT Failures of Transistor

in this video i demonstrated How To Test Transistor With Digital Multimeter / Failures of Transistor. transistor is a three terminal component and it works as an amplifier and it is also used for switching in switch mode power supplies. transistor is most common part of any digital or analog circuit. we can test any transistor using multimeter in continuity / diode mode or resistance / ohm mode. we can identify the pinout (emitter base collector) and material type (npn / pnp). i discussed how to determine transistor failure when emitter to base junction short
base to collector junction short circuit
emitter base & collector junctions short circuit
emitter to base open
base to collector open
transistor lead identification
transistor material and its polarity and its construction
i discussed detailed and easy testing of the transistor and much more
How To Test Transistor With Digital Multimeter and Failures of Transistor
transistor test,
how to check transistor,
how to test bjt transistor with multimeter,how to test bjt,how to test bjt using multimeter,how to check transistor good or bad,transistor pinout,how to identify transistor,how to identify transistor terminals using multimeter,transistor lead identification

How To Test Transistor With Digital MultimeterFailures of Transistorhow to test transistor with multimeter

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