#Chineseculturetheatre #Classicquotes #babycartoon #kukanenglish #kidsvideos
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Enjoy watching 📺Droll Chinese Culture Theatre! 💕 👶 💕►https://bit.ly/3u4fuqy
Enjoy watching 🎵Droll Family Children’s Songs! 💕 👶 💕►https://bit.ly/327fqck
34 The Tumbler | Droll Chinese Culture Theatre | Droll & Kukan
Better to weave a net, than stare longingly. It means that you’ll never get any fish by doing nothing, you must take action to get what you want. So if you’re envious of other people’s tumblers, then you should make one of your own, that way you will have your very own tumbler much sooner.
Better to weave a net than stare longingly at the fish.------ Huai Nan Tzu: Discourses on Forest.
#Chinese culture theater suitable for children's learning #Teatro cultural chino apto para que los niños aprendan #Nhà hát văn hóa Trung Quốc thích hợp cho trẻ em học #โรงละครวัฒนธรรมจีนเหมาะสำหรับเด็กเรียนรู้ #Chinesisches Kulturtheater für Kinder zum Lernen geeignet #Teatro culturale cinese adatto ai bambini per imparare #適郃兒童學習的中國文化劇場,