The Obstacle Is The Way (Summarized by the Author) - Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle Is The Way (Summarized by the Author) - Ryan Holiday

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00:00 Intro
00:47 Introduction
01:43 Part 1: Perception
05:48 Part 2: Action
12:36 Part 3: Will
16:02 Conclusion

The Obstacle Is the Way has become a cult classic, beloved by men and women around the world who apply its wisdom to become more successful at whatever they do. In this video, Ryan Holiday gives you a summary of the book. Its many fans include NBA legend Chris Bosh, PGA Champion Rory McIlroy, NBC sportscaster Michele Tafoya, pop star Camila Cabello, former U.S. National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, and the coaches and players of winning teams like the New England Patriots, Seattle Seahawks, and Chicago Cubs.

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Stoicism is a practical philosophy. The main thinkers that the Daily Stoic focuses on in stoicism are Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca. The Daily Stoic is a guide to how to practice Stoicism in your daily life, the daily routines of Stoicism, and is a practical guide to Stoicism. This channel is Stoicism 101, it will tell you what Stoicism is and how to be a Stoic. Ryan Holiday has been practicing stoicism and writing about stoicism for more than a decade and his insights will give you guidance to practicing stoicism in your day to day life.

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The Obstacle Is The WayRyan HolidayRyan Holiday Stoicism

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