*Thumbnail is a mock concept image*
Call of Duty Vanguard's beta was made available to PC players this week and naturally, as with all PC updates, people started to dig through the code to find what they could that wasn't quite yet public... Today we're going to examine the Call of Duty Vanguard weapons and Vanguard weapon camos that leaked through these datamines. One thing to bear in mind is that some of these Vanguard items may be legacy code, scrapped content, or potentially all real... We just won't know entirely until Call of Duty Vanguard's launch come this November 5th. However, what we can do is examine the Vanguard assets and try to decipher what they lead to in the meantime.
In this video we're going to be taking a look at the Call of Duty Vanguard camos (nearly 200 camos) as well as the 40 weapons that were leaked out of these game files. It may seem crazy to see these types of things happen, given that we're only in the Vanguard beta, but... It happens all the time. Let's take a look at every weapon and camo in Call of Duty Vanguard that may have leaked!
Information Sourced From:
Nanikos: https://twitter.com/_Nanikos_
ZestyCODLeaks: https://twitter.com/ZestyCODLeaks
CODPerseus: https://twitter.com/CoDPerseus_
TheMW2Ghost: https://twitter.com/TheMW2Ghost
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