Republicans Openly Call For Rebellion Against New Vaccine Mandates

Republicans Openly Call For Rebellion Against New Vaccine Mandates

Republicans are furious about the new vaccine mandates announced by the Biden administration this week, and they are now calling on companies to openly "rebel" against the new rules. This pandemic has now reached a whole new level of crazy that we would have never thought possible just 12 months ago, and Republicans have made it crystal clear that they are siding with the virus. Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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Republican lawmakers apparently see themselves now as some kind of Spartacus figure. And they're openly calling for rebellion corporate rebellion against Joe Biden's vaccine mandates that he announced late this past week. Dan Crenshaw says, are you people trying to start a full-on revolt Republican chip. Roy says those businesses should openly rebel against any such rule. Oh, you guys are such true. Good Patriots. Aren't you? Oh, warms my heart. All the talk of revolt and fighting back against depression, right? No, this is not oppression for the record. The companies, you know, the ones with more than 100 employees that are now subjected to these new labor department rules, uh, where you either have to have mandatory vaccines or weekly testing, because it's not even an actual vaccine mandate. It just says, if your employees aren't going to get the vaccine, they got to submit to weekly testing because we have to get the pandemic under control, but see Republicans like to conveniently ignore that part and sure they could be like, but the federal employees, the military there, they all have to get vaccinated.

Yeah. In the case of the military, they already had to get vaccinated. You have to, I think it what 17 different vaccines, maybe 18, 17, or 18 vaccines that you have to have in order to join the military. So vaccine mandates for the military is literally as old as the country here. I mean, literally George Washington mandated that the troops have to get vaccinated for smallpox. Hell vaccine mandates are pretty much older than the United States. So this is nothing new not to mention the fact 1905 Jacobson versus Massachusetts, U S Supreme court case said, yes, vaccine mandates are constitutional and they do not violate your freedom because you do not have the freedom to infect people with deadly viruses. Your freedom ends when it infringes upon somebody else's life is what the Supreme court says. So all of this is constitutional. All of this is clearly legal, but Republicans are losing their collective minds to serve a political narrative. That's what this is all about. Folks. This has nothing to do with conservatives being concerned about the vaccines, because we got 170 million people in this country, fully vaccinate, 170 million. If there were widespread vaccine injuries, wouldn't we see it. We'd either be experiencing it ourselves because we're vaccinated or we'd see it in our family and our friends and our neighbors and our coworkers, the, the, the injuries while they can happen. Just like with any

Other pharmaceutical are so rare that it's not that much of a cause of concern right now. That's what these anti-vaxxers also need to understand. You have hundreds of millions of people around the globe that have been vaccinated and not a whole hell of a lot of adverse events that have left people, you know, permanently damaged from this. Okay. We're not talking about a fin fin like product that kills or injured. Hundreds of thousands of people, no reports are few and far between, but these Republicans and the anti-vaxxers are trying to craft a narrative that is simply not based in reality. It sure as hell isn't based in us law, they're doing it to pander to the worst of the worst that their base has to offer.

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