Part of the Lost and Found project - Thank you for watching!
I'm delighted that Claire was able to be part of this project and has written this piece for me. We had fun finding some construction site sounds, and you'll be glad to know that life is calmer for her these days.
I hope you enjoy the video, as ever for more information, and to get in touch: Also, huge thanks to Creative Scotland for supporting this project.
Here is Claire's programme note for the piece:
No Ear-rest for the Nearest
Lost: Tranquil garden space and quiet home, freedom (other than half an hour a day) to be away from home or garden (Initial lockdown, 2020)
Found: New neighbour (on furlough) moved in the first week of lockdown which quickly became a building site over the fence and through the wall, constant workmen and DIY, high noise levels, stress and conflict all while I was trying to work from home... including recording.
It was relentless and went on for months... complete renovation inside, multiple fences outside, garden building, knocking through wall to put in patio door.. constant workmen, power tools, lorries delivering materials... morning, noon and night, and weekends, and with very little communication about what was actually happening. Every time you thought that might be the last thing, or got a day without much happening, you thought that must finally be it...but...
Then when they had just about finished, another renovation began in the flat above me.
So this piece is about that experience, which I’m sure many people can relate to in a sense, but hopefully didn’t have to experience to the same extent or under the housebound conditions!
In a recent development, I am now going to having some work of my own done, (though to nothing like the same extent), so the ending is a reference to this.
Many thanks to Ruth Morley for including me in this set and for her insight and talents in bringing this off the page and being up for the aggravating noises at times.