A sustainable country home property for sale in Aroostook County, Maine. Rusty Metal Farm is a 135 +- acre farm located in Fort Kent, ME. There is over 2832+- square feet of finished living space. The home itself is configured as a 2-bedroom 2 bath country home with an attached 1 bedroom, 1 bath in-law apartment. Both units are fully equipped with appliances. In addition to the home is a garage of over 2000 square feet with a fully equipped machine shop that is insulated and heated. Shop air is available throughout the building, and is never more than 10 feet away. Above the garage is a man cave area that has a full bath, and open living space that could be used as an efficiency apartment.
Rusty Metal Farm also has a cottage behind the main house on a wooded hillside that can be used as a guest cottage, air B&B rental or just a quite place to reflect on your day. The improved area of the property sits back a few hundred feet from the North Perley Brook Road, adding a good level of privacy to the homestead. The road is maintained and plowed in the winter time. The plow turns around at the property which makes it so convenient to live at the edge of town, and not have miles of road that you need to maintain to get the privacy and seclusion that is here at Rusty Metal Farm.
The tract of land is spectacular. It is heavily forested with mature trees. A network of trails crosses in and around the property making a ready-made walking, biking, skiing and hiking path right on the property. A tear shaped farm pond makes a nice place to have a campfire and view the night sky with friends and family. Fourteen acres of the property are being leased by a local farmer for row crops, and there is an additional area of open grassland that could be used as pasture or tilled for row crops as well of about the same size. The remainder of the acreage is a magnificent forest of mature aspen, maple, spruce and more. If you have been contemplating a purchase of a property to live a sustainable lifestyle, then pick up your phone and call today! Rick Theriault, Your Maine Real Estate Guide (207) 731-9902
Price $425,000 | Taxes $3462.52 | 1378 North Perley Brook Road, Fort Kent
Full Property Details: https://www.lifestylepropertiesofmaine.com/listing/1505972/1378-north-perley-brook-road-fort-kent-me-04743/
00:00 Intro
00:36 Tour of Fort Kent Maine
04:49 Beginning of Property
07:14 Garage
12:05 Land
22:12 Guest Cottage
24:00 Outbuildings
27:49 Home