Songs that came through: Burning Down the House – Tom Jones, The Cardigans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYuldgIOelY
Shania Twain – That Don’t Impress Me Much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqFLXayD6e8
Faith Hill - This Kiss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dls_cBmUt7Q
Background music: 432hz The Deepest Healing – Let go of all Negative Energy - Activation Frequency - Zen Life Relax
Tarot decks: Morgan Greer Tarot, Light Seer’s Tarot (Chris Anne), Rider Waite, Tarot Grand Luxe (Ciro Marchetti), Universal Tarot
Oracle decks used: Energy Oracle (Sandra Anne Taylor), Wild Unknown Animal Oracle (Kim Krans), Gilded Reverie Lenormand (Ciro Marchetti)
Thank you for your support!
I appreciate all emails and messages of support, though I am unable to reply to them at this time. Thank you xxx
Please help support the work of other lightworkers:
Personal sessions not currently open. I am hoping to re-open personal sessions and activations around mid-October when the current unstable energies are more likely to have settled down.
Website: betikotevski.com
Email: betikotevski@gmail.com