Designing Cities for All: Equity x Design: Redesigning the Mindset

Designing Cities for All: Equity x Design: Redesigning the Mindset

From buildings and products to policies, systems, and spaces – everything around us was once designed. In past DCFA episodes, we zoomed in on the challenges we are facing of individual, institutional, and systemic inequity, and highlighted that inclusion happens by design, or not at all. We have also seen that the dominant narrative of design and design thinking is often rooted in systems of oppression and exclusion. In this DCFA series, we see everyone as a (re)designer and will host a dialogue with an interdisciplinary group of artists, researchers, activists, educators, and students to uncover these topics. How can we untangle these forms of exclusion and (re)design a more equitable world, grounded in values of inclusion, trust, liberation, and healing?

In this first part we will reflect on the various layers of ones' identity and how equity-centred design thinking can be used to redesign the mindset that often causes or perpetuates exclusion.


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