Wood turning a Pretty Big Chunk of Ambrosia Maple

Wood turning a Pretty Big Chunk of Ambrosia Maple

Thanks for tuning in Hope you enjoy the video,
My buddy Steve brought me this log maybe a couple or so years ago, has been laying on the ground the entire time and has spalted a little and has some ambrosia beetle in it. I figured I better get the wood turned before it rots away,
I tried coring it but the tool kept hanging up and getting stuck so didn’t get a core out of it but got plenty of shavings. Also it flew off the chuck either from the recess being to small or all the soapy water I sprayed all over it, after I got to thinking about it i thought that probably was a bad idea, probably made it a little bit slippery for the chuck to hold on to, and probably a combination of both though, for the size of the piece it should have been a wider recess also.
I sprayed it down after I turned the bottom because I wasn’t going to be able to turn anymore that day and was gonna have to pick it back up another day and was hoping it didn’t warp or crack any till the day I got to return turning on the piece, luckily it had not and was in pretty good shape when I returned to it a couple days later and got to finish turning it.

This video is for entertainment purposes only,
I’m not a professional.

I have a membership with Videoleap,
I put the video together on the Videoleap app and also the music’s came from the app also.


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