These are the Top 5 Teams in 2.0 Genshin Impact based on the player data!
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In this video, GG reviews all the best and most popular teams in Genshin Impact 2.0 All of these teams have been tested and built specifically for this video and they are based on the latest 2.0 Spiral Abyss data from the CN and Global community.
Check out some of these awesome teams, featuring Ayaka and an unlikely ally for Childe. This video also includes the most popular weapons choices for each team (and even artifacts!) so you can know exactly what the playerbase is using to beat the toughest Spiral Abyss stages!
The following data has been used to create this video:
https://bit.ly/2REp5oG (The latest 1.5 Spiral Abyss data usage from NGA forums)
https://bit.ly/2RFoxyM (Previous 1.4 data used for cross-referencing, requires hoYoLab CN account)
https://bit.ly/3eu2zrI (1.4 Spiral Abyss data visualized from NGA forums)
https://bit.ly/3lseNF3 (2.0 Latest data from Global community)
Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that's available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.
Genshin Impact
All footage produced by Gacha Gamer.
We are in no way affiliated to the developers or publishers of the mentioned games. We use the audiovisual footage to create unique content that falls under the fair use rights.