The Under Telskyura maintenance left us with with an entire day that we couldn't run the event. Danmemo in response gave us 3 tickets to use for free runs. You may want to use these before you rank up and hit a wall like I have.
The Danmachi Memoria Freese JP 4th Anniversary Part 3 gets delayed?! Meanwhile part 2 gets a non-time limited banner with a new Ryu and Lili assist?! But is this really the place to spend your precious free to play iris?
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You can also stalk me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pilkraptor
Music compliments of:
Bensound: https://www.bensound.com/
Purple Planet: https://www.purple-planet.com/
#DanMachi #Danmemo #4thAnniversary